Best Tips For Choosing The Best Jewelry

Jewelery is a great thing to buy for someone to show them that you care or to celebrate something that they have achieved. Even seemingly small gestures will be treasured for years to come. This selection of tips will be useful for anyone who wishes to learn more about different ways to buy, wear or store jewelry.

Store your jewelry collection carefully. The right jewelry box that has separate compartments, hooks and holders to keep the pieces apart is the best choice. Resist the urge to jumble all your pieces together in one box or basket. This haphazard approach can cause damage to the individual components of fine jewelry, and create a tangled mess.

When shopping for genuine sterling silver jewelry, you need both a discerning eye and a small magnet. You are able to detect fake pieces of sterling jewelry with a magnet, as non-precious metals are attracted by the magnet. Sterling silver always has some sort of stamp to indicate it is sterling. If you don’t see a stamp of any sort on a piece, then be wary of whether it is actually silver or not.

When you are shopping, think about the color or type of gem you want to buy. Jewels come in natural, synthetic and imitation forms. Imitation gems are made out of glass or plastic; natural and synthetic gems both consist of real gemstone. Synthetic gems come from a lab and natural ones are found in the ground.

Try wearing the item for a little while to see if it is comfortable and hangs correctly. Doing this also tells you how well it stands up to normal daily wear.

When buying new jewelry, carefully consider the stones. Choose a stone that reflects both your personality, skin tone and lifestyle. Pieces in neutral tones work well with any item in your wardrobe. Buying something that does not work with multiple outfits is pointless.

Do some research on the best way to clean your particular piece of jewelry. Not all types of jewelry can be cleaned in the same manner. Processes that may work for one type of jewelry may be harmful to others. If you are uncertain what the best practice is for caring for a particular piece of jewelry, ask your jeweler.

To maintain the shine and finish on your jewelry, do not put it on until you’ve done your hair and makeup. Putting jewelry on prior to applying makeup or hairspray allows gunk and grime from your beauty products to settle on the jewelry, leaving it dull and potentially harming the finish. It is especially important to follow this tip for necklaces and earrings.

Before you buy any gemstone, determine what, if any, treatment it received. Different care is required for different treatments. Treatments can interaction with certain types of cleansing solutions, so doing your research can spare you from a chemistry mishap.

Jewelry is a great gift item for nearly every occasion. Getting even a small piece of jewelry can feel great. Maintenance of your jewelry is also a topic you should be educated on. Consider the tips mentioned here and use them to enhance your enjoyment of special pieces of jewelry for years to come.

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