Simple Jewelry Tips That You Need To Know About

If you want to express your positive emotions or celebrate special achievements or occasions with a meaningful material object, jewelry is the perfect choice. Even the most delicate piece of jewelry is sure to be cherished and worn forever. Read this article to consolidate your knowledge of jewelry and be able to select tasteful items.

Avoid using harmful substances like bleach, ammonia, acetone, turpentine and the like to clean them. These chemicals can wreak havoc on your jewelry, from discoloring bands, to dulling stones, to eroding enamel or glue.

You should always store your jewelry very carefully. It is recommended to separate the items stored by using compartments, boxes, holders and hooks. Don’t just put them in one huge, unorganized pile. This does damage to jewelry pieces, which are often fragile. Necklaces lumped together can get tangled up into a knotted ball.

Arm yourself with a magnet and a magnifying glass when shopping for sterling silver jewelry. By using the magnet you can quickly determine if the jewelry item is made of a cheaper metal and not sterling silver. Another way to tell if a metal is sterling silver is to check for a hallmark stamp, for example .sterling, .ster, or .925. If the piece of presumed silver is not marked, be skeptical that is real silver. It could very well be a fake.

Quality jewelry should stay beautiful forever. Choose reputable jewelry dealers when considering your next jewelry purchase. Jewelry should display exemplary craftsmanship and be well-made. A good jeweler can provide you with some background on the piece, such as who crafted it, where it was manufactured, and where any stones in it came from. Take your time when selecting a high-quality piece if you want it to last you for a long time.

Before you buy any new jewelry, you should look around for the latest trends. The only thing that can make picking out a fantastic piece of jewelry better is if you get it at a discount.

Make sure you take precautions to stop your jewelery from losing its shine. Exposure to water can affect the finish, so avoid it. Exposure can result in tarnishing, rusting or dulling of different metals. To protect your jewelry from exposure, apply a single coat of clear nail lacquer to its surface.

Try wearing the item for a little while to see if it is comfortable and hangs correctly. It will also allow you to see if it can withstand every day wear and tear.

Costume jewelry needs to be handled and stored delicately. That’s because a lot of the costume settings are not set-in; they have usually been glued. Costume jewelry should never be submerged in liquid, nor cleaned with chemicals. For best results, use a warmed, damp cloth to wipe your jewelry and then use another cloth to dry it. This will ensure that all of your costume jewelry looks like it did the day you bought it.

As was already stated, jewelry makes the ideal gift for many reasons. Even a small jewelry item can have great meaning to the recipient. There are many things to consider when wearing, storing and caring for jewelry, whether it is your own or someone else’s. Apply everything you have learned in the article to improve the satisfaction you have in jewelry.

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